Berkshire Hathaway’s operating earnings rise nearly 7%, cash pile approaches $150 billion

Warren Buffett tours the grounds at the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting in Omaha Nebraska.

David A. Grogan | CNBC

Berkshire Hathaway on Saturday reported a solid increase in second-quarter operating earnings, while the cash hoard at Warren Buffett‘s conglomerate swelled to nearly $150 billion.

The Omaha-based giant’s operating earnings — which encompass profits made from the myriad of businesses owned by the company, like insurance, railroads and utilities — totaled $10.043 billion last quarter, 6.6% higher than the figure from the same quarter a year ago.

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Berkshire’s massive cash pile grew to $147.377 billion at the end of June, near a record and much higher than the $130.616 billion in the first quarter.

Share repurchase activity slowed down as the conglomerate’s stock climbed back to a record high. The company spent just about $1.4 billion in buybacks during the quarter, bringing the year-to-date total to $5.8 billion.

The conglomerate’s Class A shares hit a new record close of $541,000 on Thursday, exceeding the conglomerate’s previous high of $539,180 reached on March 22, 2022. The stock has gained 13.8% this year.

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