Bolton: Man left victim with permanent scarring in town centre attack

Robert Walsh, of Exeter Avenue in Tonge Moor, left his victim with permanent scarring.

Bolton Magistrates Court heard he had been drinking when he was approached by another man he did not know, and the encounter initially seemed friendly.

Lee Woodyatt, prosecuting, said: “The man lifts Mr Walsh up and puts him down.

“Mr Walsh then throws him over his shoulder in what appears to be a wrestling move.

“It appears to be friendly at that stage.

“As the man gets up, Mr Walsh punches him to the face and he goes to the ground.

“He had fractures to both sides of his face.

“The medical evidence points to permanent scarring. The scarring appears on both sides. They had to go in to put plates inside.

“It was an impulsive short-lived assault, just one punch.”

Walsh appeared in court where he pleaded guilty to the offence of grievous bodily harm during the incident in August. 

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Samantha Coles, defending, said he had been out of trouble for a long time.

She said: “He cannot recall much of what occurred. It is to his credit that he stays at the scene.

“He is arrested and goes to the police station. He admits it in interview. He does not want to watch the CCTV.

“He says ‘that is me, I do not know why I have hit him.’

“One punch has caused significant injury.

“He has no convictions for a number of years. He has nothing of a violent nature for 20 years.

“He has a wife and three children.”

Chair of the bench Martin Simpson adjourned proceedings for a pre-sentence report to be prepared.

Walsh will be sentenced at Wigan Magistrates Court next month.

Source – INDIA TV