Re: Arab League condemns Israel’s seizure of Sub Laban family home in Jerusalem – Middle East Monitor

The General Secretariat of the League of Arab States yesterday condemned the Israeli settler takeover of the Palestinian Sub Laban family house in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem.

Israeli occupation forces yesterday expelled the Sub Laban family from their home in Jerusalem based on an Israeli court order. The order said the family, who have lived in their home for 70 years, should be removed so settlers could move in.

In a statement issued by the Arab League’s Division of Palestine and the Occupied Arab Territories, the General Secretariat said the “crime” committed by the Israeli occupation authorities, comes within the framework of the policy of “forced displacement and ethnic cleansing” pursued by the “Israeli occupation government against the Palestinian people” including forcing them to demolish their homes and facilities under the pretext of not having a permit in order to empty occupied Jerusalem of its people.

The General Secretariat called on the international community to immediately intervene to stop the Israeli occupation authorities’ crimes and to confront the Israeli government’s continuous attempts to ignite the cycle of violence in the region.

READ: Palestinian Sub Laban family evicted from Jerusalem home as settlers move in

It also called on the United Nations to find a mechanism to provide international protection for the Palestinian people, their property and sanctities, in accordance with the relevant international resolutions.

The Sub Laban family home is located several metres away from Al-Aqsa Mosque. It has been rented from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan since 1953. The family was granted protected lease rights, but has been locked in a 45-year legal battle against government-backed settler organisations to displace them.

Source – Middle east monitor